Get Involved In...

Child Care
Child Psychology, Play Therapy
Reading and Writing (Afrikaans and English)
Basic Maths & Book Keeping
Sewing or Any Other Related Skills
Wood Working Skills
Bee Keeeping Skills
Cooking / Catering
Admin & Marketing
Basic Computer Skills
Vegetable Gardening
Experience With Live Stock
Any Other Life Skill

Local Volunteer Requirements

If you live in the George/Wilderness area and you want to contribute in any form to the running of our projects please give us a ring or send us an email.

Overseas Volunteer Requirements

We have 5 places available for long term volunteers (minimum of 6 month). We charge a small fee and provide lunch and accommodation. You will receive a certificate at the end of your stay. Short term volunteers and travelers can book a bed in our self catering guest cottage on the farm and help out wherever help is needed.

Tell us more about yourself by completing the below form (be honest, we don't bite:)


Website Enquiry – Volunteer